Source Name Comment [Sample_description] Comment [Sample_source_name] Comment [Sample_title] Characteristics [Organism] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Characteristics [genotype] Characteristics [organism part] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Characteristics [strain or line] Term Source REF Term Accession Number Protocol REF Term Source REF Extract Name Material Type Protocol REF Term Source REF Labeled Extract Name Label Protocol REF Term Source REF Hybridization Name Array Design REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Protocol REF Term Source REF Array Data File Comment [ArrayExpress FTP file] Protocol REF Term Source REF Normalization Name Derived Array Data File Comment [Derived ArrayExpress FTP file] FactorValue [GENOTYPE] GSM913366 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 7 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913366 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913366 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913366 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913366_AORTA_SP467L_7.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913366_sample_table.txt norm GSM913366_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913365 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 6 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913365 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913365 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913365 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913365_AORTA_SP467L_6.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913365_sample_table.txt norm GSM913365_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913364 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 5 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913364 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913364 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913364 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913364_AORTA_SP467L_5.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913364_sample_table.txt norm GSM913364_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913363 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 4 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913363 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913363 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913363 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913363_AORTA_SP467L_4.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913363_sample_table.txt norm GSM913363_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913362 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 3 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913362 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913362 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913362 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913362_AORTA_SP467L_3.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913362_sample_table.txt norm GSM913362_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913361 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 2 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913361 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913361 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913361 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913361_AORTA_SP467L_2.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913361_sample_table.txt norm GSM913361_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913360 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle (exon) rep 1 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913360 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913360 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913360 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913360_AORTA_SP467L_1.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913360_sample_table.txt norm GSM913360_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913359 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate (exon) rep5 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913359 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913359 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913359 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913359_AORTA_NT_5.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913359_sample_table.txt norm GSM913359_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913358 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate (exon) rep 4 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913358 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913358 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913358 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913358_AORTA_NT_4.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913358_sample_table.txt norm GSM913358_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913357 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate (exon) rep 3 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913357 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913357 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913357 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913357_AORTA_NT_3.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913357_sample_table.txt norm GSM913357_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913356 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate (exon) rep 2 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913356 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913356 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913356 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913356_AORTA_NT_2.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913356_sample_table.txt norm GSM913356_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913355 1 thoracic aorta from one mouse, not pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate (exon) rep 1 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-7 ArrayExpress GSM913355 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-8 ArrayExpress GSM913355 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913355 A-AFFY-98 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-9 ArrayExpress GSM913355_AORTA_NT_1.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913355_sample_table.txt norm GSM913355_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913354 1 thoracic aorta from mulitple mice, pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle, replicate 3 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-2 ArrayExpress GSM913354 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-3 ArrayExpress GSM913354 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913354 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-6 ArrayExpress GSM913354_AORTA_SP467L_3.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913354_sample_table.txt norm GSM913354_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913353 1 thoracic aorta from mulitple mice, pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle, replicate 2 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-2 ArrayExpress GSM913353 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-3 ArrayExpress GSM913353 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913353 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-6 ArrayExpress GSM913353_AORTA_SP467L_2.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913353_sample_table.txt norm GSM913353_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913352 1 thoracic aorta from mulitple mice, pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from transgenic mouse with DN PPAR gamma (P467L mutation) targeted to vascular smooth muscle, replicate 1 Mus musculus EFO PPAR gamma P467L thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-2 ArrayExpress GSM913352 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-3 ArrayExpress GSM913352 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913352 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-6 ArrayExpress GSM913352_AORTA_SP467L_1.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913352_sample_table.txt norm GSM913352_sample_table.txt PPAR gamma P467L GSM913351 1 thoracic aorta from mulitple mice, pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate, replicate 2 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-2 ArrayExpress GSM913351 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-3 ArrayExpress GSM913351 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913351 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-6 ArrayExpress GSM913351_AORTA_NT_2.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913351_sample_table.txt norm GSM913351_sample_table.txt non-transgenic GSM913350 1 thoracic aorta from mulitple mice, pooled thoracic aorta thoracic aorta from non-transgenic littermate, replicate 1 Mus musculus EFO non-transgenic thoracic aorta EFO EFO_0002525 C57BL/6 EFO EFO_0004472 P-GSE37196-2 ArrayExpress GSM913350 extract 1 total RNA P-GSE37196-3 ArrayExpress GSM913350 LE 1 biotin P-GSE37196-4 ArrayExpress GSM913350 A-AFFY-45 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-5 ArrayExpress P-GSE37196-6 ArrayExpress GSM913350_AORTA_NT_1.CEL P-GSE37196-1 ArrayExpress GSM913350_sample_table.txt norm GSM913350_sample_table.txt non-transgenic